Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Guide To Lake In Dusk

Lake In Dusk - Level 75

What do I need? (Requirements)

Being Level 75
Have a Map Part in your inventory
Have 60 minutes free to kill without resting, that's the time that the dungeon lasts..

Where's the entrance?

Lake In Dusk Guide - Step by Step:

1. Once you enter, go forward, skip Wurk if you want and kill the next boss, Wurk isn't important for advancing in the dungeon.
But well if u want exp n drop ..well then go ahead.

2. Go forward and kill Radark, and a door will open to complete next steps.

3. Advance and you'll find Jidarsch, kill him.

4. Now you'll have to enter by a swamp, there are 5 red sticks that you can kill, called Ruin In Dusk. You'll have to kill only one to make the next door open...

5. After killing the needed stick go by the new way and kill next boss:Pogarr

6. After killing him, go by the new way again to another swamp and kill Ballu

this boss drops chaos lamps..:)

7. After killing the boss go by the new way and kill Pirouro.

8. After killing him, another door will open and you'll have to kill Hauk.

9. Now you have to kill Lehifee, going by the new way.
Well it is from this point that the creep's damage increases so beware...very difficult for Wizards N FAs to play with a strategy..dnt take a huge mob of creeps or else..U will die n end up again at the ent of the dungeon..

10. Now, enter to the other swamp and kill the troll boss:Ergdusu.

11. Get out of the swamp by the new opened way, now you'll have to kill three harpy bosses, first you'll have to kill Etuor

12. After that, kill Caschnarr, going by the new way that opened.

13. Now kill the last harpy boss: Rik.

14. Now you'll have to go back a little, near where you killed the first harpy boss and now you'll have to kill both ogre bosses.

1st kill Haschnarc

15. Now kill the next ogre boss, that have similar names, they look like brothers, Although the 2nd 1 looks more ugly than the 1st one..N his name is Grischnarc.

16. Well, now the thing will be more difficult if you're level 75~80 and you go alone! Now here they come, the minotaurs.

if you want u can kill them for exp..or else

Just advance by the portal without killing any minotaur until you reach the bottom of the place, now kill the three minotaurs that are at the bottom.

And a big door will open that lead you to the final dungeon boss called: Zidgris Faello

This bosssss is like a Living took me almost 10 mins to kill this 1..n i died once..
But well after every storm comes a pleasant weather..
Dungeon Completed..
well here are some tips..
1.carry as much hp n mp as u can..(dnt care about mp but try carrying lvl 3 hp potions)
2.Try taking a party member along with you ..dont go alone..
3. Dont get dishearted if u die..u will be respawned right back at the LID entrance(In a nutshell..u cant come out of the LID within those 1 hour unless u reconnect..)
4.Dnt mob too much..
5.Try doing the Lid after lvl 80..
6. And Best Of luck..

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cabal Online -The Story

Long ago, the CABAL cleansed the land with fury and destruction. Amidst the needless devastation, seven great masters of Force Power led the remaining survivors to rebuild.

Now, almost a thousand years later, the CABAL are puppeteering the evil again, breeding a child to be king and once again cleanse the land.

It is up to you to face the invaders of Nevareth and uncover the conspiracy behind it...

Amongst the 100+ NPCs in CABAL, you'll find friends and foes, good and evil. But remain vigilant! As sides change, some allies may turn on you, while former enemies can now be trusted...


All classes are provided with a skill library that spans in both Sword and Magic-based spheres. Classes who are focused on one sphere, like Warriors or Bladers, will have all its offensive and support skills in one sphere, while the other will be used only for common targeted magic spells and novice buffs, as well as an advanced one. Hybrid classes may use both spheres for different purposes; while Force Bladers develop only curses in advanced stages of the Magic sphere, Force Shielders possess some offensive unique arts in that sphere as well. Beyond offensive and support skills, there are also teleportation skills that all classes possess. Dashing is one that every character can use if they develop the necessary Sword sphere stage, which causes them to quickly dash a short distance and can be used in intervals to increase walking speed. Wizards have a unique teleportation skill called Blink which behaves similarly to Dash but is developed in the Magic sphere. Wizards are also the only class that can use both Dash and Blink and thus walk faster than any other class, effectively moving faster than even the rare vehicle items that exist in the game.
Special skills are unlocked at certain points during the character's growth by completing specific "ranking" quests. These skills include the Combo Mode, which allows several skills to be used in succession when the combo meter is pressed with correct timing, as well as several Battle Modes that provide temporary attribute bonuses to the character or even a special combat mode. Aura Mode is a basic empowering Battle Mode that can be later stacked with either advanced Battle Modes to further increase attributes. It is elemental in nature, although the element bears no difference in bonuses applied, altering only the visual effects of the skill. Battle Mode 1 is an advanced Aura Mode that is unique for all classes. Some Battle Modes provide special characteristics; the Wizard's BM1 increases both damage and Mana consumption, while the Force Blader's allows him to use elemental cannon-type spells as superior versions of the class's defensive buffs. The Force Shielder's BM1 counters enemy damage by reflecting part of it and the Force Archer's allows skills to affect more than one target in a way different than area of effect.
The last one, Battle Mode 2, provides not only an attribute increase but also a special combat mode unique to each class. Warriors are able to use scythes named Astral Lances for successive attacks and special finishing skills; Bladers use fast-paced Astral Claws whose finishing skill has the highest critical rate of all the classes' skills. Wizards are given special Orbs that allow him to target two enemies at the same time and simultaneously cast two skills, each targeting a different enemy. He can also target one enemy and use two skills at the same time against it. Force Bladers were initially given an Astral Charger which would charge up to three levels when using sword skills and would then shoot one to three magical beams when a magic skill was used. However, this was later changed into a fast-paced fencing combat mode with ethereal visual effects. The Force Shielder can turn its Astral Shield into a throwing Astral Blade Shield that is used akin to a boomerang. Lastly, the Force Archer turns the Astral Bow into dual Astral Guns that can target one or two enemies at once and deal fast damage for little Mana.
There are also other skills for different effects - classes with Astral weapons have one for summoning them, for example. There are skills for summoning vehicles such as the Astral Board and Astral Bike, as well as corresponding Combo Mode skills for when riding those vehicles, as well as many other tool skills such as Loot, Follow and Social skills, or emotes. There are also many upgrade skills which provide different and cumulative attribute bonuses in Health, Mana and secondary attributes.
Skills can only be purchased and learned when a certain skill rank or stage is achieved. Like levelling up, increasing skill ranks requires gaining skill experience which in turn is gained by using skills repeatedly, namely offensive skills. In previous versions of the game, Sword skills would only increase Sword experience and Magic skills would increase Magic experience. This was later changed to a common experience gain where any skill increases both spheres. The experience pool is shared by all skills, meaning that points gained can be applied in any skill of that sphere and any skill can be used to gain experience. Another change that was applied is the requirement of a "class rank" for achieving a superior skill rank. Class ranks are gained by completing ranking quests every ten character levels.

Battle Aura

Battle Aura is attained at level 20 after performing the promotion quest. Players may choose from water, ice, fire, thunder, earth, or wind. There is no difference in stats gain for different elements, only the appearance will be different. Battle Aura takes one SP bar to activate, and cannot be canceled until the duration of the mode ends. The battle aura is the growing characters first battle style although it more buff-like it takes 1 SP bar(5000sp)SP is gained faster while dancing. There are 2 dances; 1 that can be found in special skills, and and 1 which is activated with a command. To activate the second dance type /dance2 in the chat in normal mode. If there is more than 1 person dancing, they can be synchronized by typing /sync in the chat while in normal mode.

Battle Mode 1 and Battle Mode 2

Battle Mode 1 is gained at level 30 after finishing the promotion quest. Unlike Battle Aura, Battle Mode 1s are different for each class. Warriors will get Berserker, Bladers will get Illusionist, Wizard will get Chain Caster, Force Archers will get Multi Shooter, Force Shielders will get Counter Attack, and Force Bladers will get Force Enchanter.
Battle Mode 2 is gained at level 50 after completing the promotion quest. Unlike, Battle Mode 1 and Aura, each class summons an Astral Weapon and gains a specific skill that can only be used during Battle Mode 2. Some skills cannot be used during Battle Mode 2. Warriors will become Lancers, with their Astral Weapon being a Scythe. Bladers will become Grapplers; their Astral Weapons being a pair of Dual Claws. Wizards will become Double Casters; their Astral Weapons being Astral Orbs. Force Archers will become Twin Gunners; their Astral Weapons being a pair of Dual Handguns. Force Shielders will become Shield Masters; their Astral Weapons being a Blade Shield. Force Bladers will become Blader Shooters; their Astral Weapon being an Arm Cannon.
The cost of activating the Battle Modes is 1 SP bar.

Astral Bike & Buff Duration Increase

At level 80, players would be able to summon an Astral Bike, that functions like an Astral Board. Like the Astral Board, it is available as a rare drop from high-level monsters, but unlike the Astral Board, you cannot buy it from the CABAL Online Cash Shop. At level 80, your buff durations will also increase by 100%. Finally, at lv 120 and Lv 150, buff duration will again increase by 150% and 200% respectively.
At level 50, players are given the ability to chain attacks on their Astral Bike. As with the Astral Board chain skill, you are only given one attack at level 90. One extra skill per promotion is given until the character has four attacks at level 120, and if they are able to chain four attacks, they can continue the combo. The astral board summoning skill is gained on lvl 40 with the rank up quest boards have different bonuses for players using them you can buy board from the C.C.(Cabal Cash)shop with the duration of 30 days or pernament. to get C.C. go to official cabalonline site

Stacking Buffs and Modes

At level 140, characters would be able to use two unrelated non-evoluated buffs at the same time. At level 170, players will have the ability to use three non-Evoluated buffs at the same time.
Players are allowed to activate both Battle Aura and Battle Mode 1 together at level 40. At level 60, Aura and Battle Mode 2 can be stacked. At level 110, players can use combo mode while using Battle Mode 1. At level 130, they are allowed to combine Battle Mode 1, Aura, and Combo mode.
At level 120, players are allowed to have six buffs on them, followed by seven buffs at 130, eight buffs at 140, nine buffs at 150, and ten buffs at 160.

Combo Mode

Combo Mode is unlocked at level 10 after the Class Rank promotion quest. From then on, players are able to charge their SP (Spirit Point) bar. For characters between levels 10 and 19, only one SP bar can be charged. For each successful promotion beyond that point, characters will be able to charge an additional bar, up to a maximum of 5 SP bars. The SP bar is charged as the character performs actions, such as using skills. Combo mode uses a small amount of SP to activate. Once activated, a meter will appear on the screen, which will be quickly filled up. The player must execute a skill on a monster while the meter is in the "combo point" range, which is about three-quarters of the combo meter. Depending on where the player executes the skill, a miss, bad, good, or excellent will appear. Bad grants the least benefits, while excellent grants the most. Miss, however, will end the combo.
A successful execution of a skill in a combo will continue the combo until the player misses. Skills are executed faster than usual in a combo with a damage boost. Skills do not miss during a combo. The higher count success of the combo will result in the combo point range getting smaller and smaller, making continuing the combo more difficult. In order to continue a combo across several enemies, players must target another enemy as their character is performing the skill on the enemy he is attacking. Failure to do so will cause the combo mode to end after the current enemy dies. Many players have stated that combos are very hard to perform.

Force Shielder

Force Shielder

Force Shielders are one of the two classes who have learned to materialize Force into a real weapon. By studying magic, they have gained the ability to visualize and create an Astral Shield, a relic which provides them with greater Defense. This class is the basic tank class which possesses the highest Defense of all classes and, when combined with its powerful damage-absorbing party skill, can effectively guard other party members from a high amount of damage. Force Shielders also possess a basic Healing skill, unlike all other classes save for the Force Archer. Their last skill is also one of the most critical damaging skills of all classes, making them both a good defender and attacker. Like the Force Blader, they are a hybrid Sword-Magic class. However, unlike the Force Blader who ultimately will have to develop both spheres to be able to use curses, the Force Shielder can truly specialize in only one area of expertise. A Sword Force Shielder will focus on the physical Sword skills and value brawling and critical damaging. In this case, they would value Strength and Dexterity for physical power and resistance. A Magic Force Shielder will focus on Magic skills, namely cannon-type targeted spells which value damage per second instead of high instant damage. They will rely on Dexterity and Intelligence for strength, resistance and dodge. The class can also be hybridized to fully utilise its complete potential, commonly making use of paralysing Magic skills when fighting against the environment. Their arsenal is by default the Armour Set, a Blade and a Crystal, counterpart to the Orb, though it can depend on the type of specialization taken if the player so chooses.

Force Blader

Force Blader

The Force Blader class is themed as a magic swordsman. They use Force to empower their blade arts and have developed unique debuff skills that no other class possesses. Although they can use targeted cannon-type magic skills to fight, their sword skills are the strongest, their magic affinity being demonstrated only in their Force-imbued Sword skills. Their most powerful attacks are also enchanted with curses, causing several negative handicapping effects on their targets alongside damage itself. Because they evenly nurture all three of the main attributes, they are both the most flexible and most time-consuming class to develop. Their equipment is by default the balanced Battle Set, a protective suit made of many different kinds of fibers, a Katana and an Orb. Their complexity in the use of curse skills makes them a class best for advanced players

Force Archer

Force Archer

Force Archers are a variation of Wizards who prefer to manipulate rather than amplify Force. Because of this, their skills have a lesser area of effect in comparison to the Wizard's skills but, in contrast, their damage is more precise, more accurate and with a higher critical hit rate. They visualize and create a weapon in a way similar to the Force Shielder, which is the Astral Bow; this weapon enhances their accuracy and critical rate. They also possess the highest attack range of all classes, even higher than that of a Wizard. Uniquely to this class, they possess supportive magic such as powerful single-target and party Healing skills, as well as many useful buffs, especially some used on new players alongside the Wizard's. Their skills have the fastest casting time of all, giving them a high damage per second value. Force Archers value Intelligence and Dexterity, both for magical power and dodging, as well as the balanced Battle Set and dual Crystals




Each class has its own background and particularities. The Warrior class is the typical melee sword-user. They use Force to brutally enhance their physical abilities. They possess the highest innate vitality or Health value and their offensive skills are slow and powerful. Their equipment set is by default the highly-defensive Armour Set, metallic armours made of various materials and two-handed swords, either Great Swords or Daikatana. They possess many strengthening buff skills that can even further enhance their capabilities, including party-targeted buffs. Their primary attribute is Strength which enhances their physical attack value and their resistance.



The Blader class is a fast sword-user melee class known for its enhanced dodging and accuracy, as well as the speed of its skills. They use Force to enhance both their dexterity and strength, giving them more flexibility than a Warrior. Unlike those, however, they do not possess party-enhancing strengthening skills whatsoever, instead having to rely on their individual strengths even when in a party, namely their damage output and critical hit rate. Their equipment includes by default the Martial Set, a lightweight kimono-like cloth which favours Defense Rate, or dodging, as well as a Blade and a Katana, or two swords of only one type if the player is so inclined



The third class is the Wizard and it is the basic magic-user. They use Force to amplify the power of the elements around them akin to what a Warrior does to its own strength. Their primary attribute is Intelligence which raises their magical attack power. They possess several buff skills that can affect not only themselves but any other friendly targets they choose, as well as many party buffs. Some of these skills are well known, namely the most basic ones which increase Health or Defense and are usually performed on newcomers to aid them in their initial progress. Their skills have a powerful damage output, however they have one particular difference from melee classes, which is their area of effect, or AoE. While melee classes deal high damage to lesser enemies with the same skill, Wizards disperse their damage through the highest area possible for all classes. Combined with the paralysing capability of all of their strongest skills, Wizards are crucial for controlling masses of enemies. Their main disadvantage is their lower Defense; still, this can be tactically overcome by making use of the stun effect, or paralysis, of most of their skills. Their equipment set is by default the Martial Set and dual Orbs, single-handed globe-shaped controllers which spawn staves in recent versions of the game

Character Classes

There are six character classes in Cabal Online. Once a character is created, the player must choose which character class it will assume. The six classes are the Warrior, the Blader, the Wizard, the Force Blader, the Force Shielder and the Force Archer. Different character classes provide different strategies, skill libraries, arsenal and even starting locations.

By levelling up, players will gain points that they can apply in three different attributes that will shape their character, those being Strength, or STR, Intelligence, or INT and Dexterity, or DEX. These attributes affect several secondary attributes which will effectively determine the strengths and weaknesses of the character. These secondary attributes are Attack, the physical strength of Sword skills, Magic, the magical strength of Magic skills, Defense, the resistance to enemy attacks, Hit or Attack Rate, the accuracy of all the player's attacks and Defense Rate, the rate at which enemy attacks are fully evaded or dodged.

Cabal online India

Cabal Online ( is a free-to-play, 3D massively-multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), developed by South Korean company ESTsoft. Different versions of the game are available for specific countries or regions. Although Cabal Online is free-to-play, the game has a "Cash Shop" which allows players to purchase game enhancements and useful ingame items using real currency.

The game takes place in a mythical world known as Nevareth, which was destroyed by an evil entity known as the CABAL. Out of the survivors, seven "Masters" rose up, each wielding the abilities of the "Force Power". These masters taught the people, and Nevareth was rebuilt. Years later, the CABAL is plotting a return to power, and the characters of the game take up the role of heroes who battle the CABAL uprising and conspiracy.

Like many MMORPGs, gameplay is centered on killing monsters, namely grinding, doing quests and venturing into dungeons to obtain experience points and Alz, the in-game currency. Players can band together to form a party, with a maximum of seven characters. Additional "Party Bonus" experience points are obtained by the members of the party based on their contributions.

Characters are created on "servers" or game worlds, each with its own unique name, such as Mercury or Venus. Players from different servers cannot interact with each other and their characters and accounts cannot be transferred between servers; however, all non-event servers have equal content, the only differences being the player base and the total number of items and money flowing in-game. One account allows for a maximum of six characters per server and a player is allowed to play on every server with that single account. Servers are subsequently divided into "channels", whose number again differs from version to version. Unlike servers, however, players can communicate with others in different channels through private messaging, or whispering, and they can switch to any channel, including Premium ones if they have bought the Premium package.

Channels can have several characteristics of their own; those whose name is green-coloured have player killing disabled for all non-war maps, unlike those with a white-coloured name. The Trade channel is designed specifically for buying and selling items from other players through either broadcasting to the entire channel, or shouting, or by the use of personal shops where players set up a number of items and their prices and quantities. The Novice channel is designed specifically for a gathering place for newcomers and is PK-disabled. Some channels are Premium, meaning that they can only be accessed by those who have acquired the Premium status from the Cash Shop, which is the substitute for the monthly subscriptions the game used to have. Premium provides many bonuses in experience gain, item drop rate, the ability to use Premium channels and special teleportation points or warp gates, through the use of the "GPS Warp", among other particularities. Lastly, there is a War channel in which Nation-based Player Killing is fully enabled without penalty and in all maps, effectively extending the "war map" status to the entire channel except for "Warp Gates".

The world of Cabal Online is split into different zones, namely maps and dungeons. Starting players will only be able to access three maps and one zone, the "Warp Gate", which provides walking access to all the three initial maps. As they progress into the game and gain character levels, they will gain access to new and more difficult maps, as well as dungeons, or instances. Each map has a different setting and weather; examples of these include deserts, forests, snow and ice maps and even a futuristic cityscape. Each map has its own unique set of non-playing characters, such as quest characters and shops, as well as many monsters to fight and gain experience and treasure from. Travelling from one map to another is done by either walking through the warp gate links or by using Premium GPS Warp to instantly warp into a specific map.