Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Guide To Lake In Dusk

Lake In Dusk - Level 75

What do I need? (Requirements)

Being Level 75
Have a Map Part in your inventory
Have 60 minutes free to kill without resting, that's the time that the dungeon lasts..

Where's the entrance?

Lake In Dusk Guide - Step by Step:

1. Once you enter, go forward, skip Wurk if you want and kill the next boss, Wurk isn't important for advancing in the dungeon.
But well if u want exp n drop ..well then go ahead.

2. Go forward and kill Radark, and a door will open to complete next steps.

3. Advance and you'll find Jidarsch, kill him.

4. Now you'll have to enter by a swamp, there are 5 red sticks that you can kill, called Ruin In Dusk. You'll have to kill only one to make the next door open...

5. After killing the needed stick go by the new way and kill next boss:Pogarr

6. After killing him, go by the new way again to another swamp and kill Ballu

this boss drops chaos lamps..:)

7. After killing the boss go by the new way and kill Pirouro.

8. After killing him, another door will open and you'll have to kill Hauk.

9. Now you have to kill Lehifee, going by the new way.
Well it is from this point that the creep's damage increases so beware...very difficult for Wizards N FAs to play with a strategy..dnt take a huge mob of creeps or else..U will die n end up again at the ent of the dungeon..

10. Now, enter to the other swamp and kill the troll boss:Ergdusu.

11. Get out of the swamp by the new opened way, now you'll have to kill three harpy bosses, first you'll have to kill Etuor

12. After that, kill Caschnarr, going by the new way that opened.

13. Now kill the last harpy boss: Rik.

14. Now you'll have to go back a little, near where you killed the first harpy boss and now you'll have to kill both ogre bosses.

1st kill Haschnarc

15. Now kill the next ogre boss, that have similar names, they look like brothers, Although the 2nd 1 looks more ugly than the 1st one..N his name is Grischnarc.

16. Well, now the thing will be more difficult if you're level 75~80 and you go alone! Now here they come, the minotaurs.

if you want u can kill them for exp..or else

Just advance by the portal without killing any minotaur until you reach the bottom of the place, now kill the three minotaurs that are at the bottom.

And a big door will open that lead you to the final dungeon boss called: Zidgris Faello

This bosssss is like a Living took me almost 10 mins to kill this 1..n i died once..
But well after every storm comes a pleasant weather..
Dungeon Completed..
well here are some tips..
1.carry as much hp n mp as u can..(dnt care about mp but try carrying lvl 3 hp potions)
2.Try taking a party member along with you ..dont go alone..
3. Dont get dishearted if u die..u will be respawned right back at the LID entrance(In a nutshell..u cant come out of the LID within those 1 hour unless u reconnect..)
4.Dnt mob too much..
5.Try doing the Lid after lvl 80..
6. And Best Of luck..

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